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[E] Farixy
[E] Farixy
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over 13 years ago
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over 12 years ago
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Well, i think i got banned in wrong way even if i did something wrong, i really love this server so i would love to get unbanned -frasse14 <3
over 12 years ago
I also got banned for spawn killing, i really hope i can get unbanned since i love this server. -frasse14 <3
over 12 years ago
============= Username:frasse14 When you were banned : (Date.)6/6/12 Person who banned you:Landr0 Reason you were banned:Spawn camping, I got some warning for spawn camping, yes i died spawn camp but i think it was a bit unfair, Landr0 banned me for spawn camping for attacking everyone, one time he walked to me when i was in no pvp zone and said "Don't spawn pvp you got 4 warning already" well i was standing in no pvp zone, how could i pvp? and i swear to god i didn't attack people who didn't attack me. (unless they had iron diamond armor.) But many leather guys attacked me so i killed them. I also raided one base so it said in chat i killed them but that wasn't at spawn. I understand why i got banned and i'm sorry. BUT i didn't attack unless they attack me (the new players) And why i attacked Landr0 when he was taking screenshots. He and someother guys tried to kill us earlier that day, so why wouldn't i attack back when i had the chanse to kill him? -Sorry for my bad english lots of love-frasse14 <3 =============
over 12 years ago
I'm sorry, but what do you mean with proper format, and alright i'll tell them to make one.Thank you. -frasse14
over 12 years ago